SMEs – Fortnightly Wrap Up
An update for SMEs on events and grants announced in the last fortnight.
Fortnight commencing 29th October 2021
Welcome to the latest edition of the WMC “Fortnightly Wrap Up” blog.
In this latest issue we have listed information on various supports and upcoming events that we hope will be of interest to you.
WMC is an Irish management consultancy bringing strategic, financial, funding and commercial expertise to SMEs when they need it. Reach out to Michelle or John for a discussion on how they can help you.
Enterprise Ireland has many offerings to support businesses we have highlighted some here:
Climate Enterprise Action Fund Hugely topical at present and an area that is gaining more attention all the time – see this link for information on this fund which supports Irish companies to build the capabilities required to deliver sustainable products, services and business models.
Enterprise Ireland Events This link provides an overview of all the upcoming events. Items include: Excel @ Exporting (multiple dates in November) and Spotlight on Skills (dates in November and December), this programme helps businesses create a company skills plan to identify and address their critical skills needs.
Enterprise Ireland Funding information – this link provides a summary of all the funding supports which may be available to you.
Sbci partners with microfinance ireland New partnership announced between the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SBCI) and Microfinance Ireland (MFI). This new partnership will further expand the range of funding options available in the SME market. The SBCI has committed €30m to MFI which will allow Microfinance Ireland to increase its lending capacity and offer lower rates on its standard loan products.
Invoice Fair is administering the Covid 19 Credit Guarantee Scheme - COVID-19 Credit Guarantee Scheme - InvoiceFair. They offer up to €1m with funds released within 24 hours of approval.
Brexit Impact Loan A medium-term, lower cost scheme to fund working capital and investments for businesses, including primary producers, impacted by Brexit and Covid-19, from Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SBCI)
OTHER ITEMS This initiative comes from the SFA in partnership with Skillnet Ireland, Ibec, SBCI and Microfinance Ireland. It is designed to “provide you with the skills and supports to help your business thrive, by addressing the specific needs of your business.” See the link above for further details.
Skillnet Funding Information This is a 4 part webinar series which will assist business owners to find, access, and apply for relevant grants and funds for their business. The first part is 4th of November 2021.
Succession Planning An article from on this relevant topic for many firms. This is just one of WMC’s areas of expertise – is your plan in place? If not, reach out to Michelle or John for a discussion.
Budget 2022 See this link for a summary of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment’s Budget 2022 plans. Items mentioned include: Remote working, the Innovation Equity Fund and the Employment Investment Incentive (EII).
For further guidance on how to avail of all the supports your business is eligible for, contact us at